The Team


Kiagus Ahmad Bella Sati is the managing partner of Kiagus Ahmad & Associates (hereinafter "KAA") and also a receiver and administrator of KAA, before joining KAA he worked at Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Jakarta (Jakarta Legal Aid Institute) as the Chief for the Field of Case Handling for seven years.
He specializes in the labour cases and criminal law and is registered as practicing lawyer/advocate to practice all levels of Indonesian courts. He has assisted numerous major Indonesian banks in Indonesian courts for general litigation matters, bankruptcy cases and administrative court cases.
  • Bachelor of Law, Jayabaya University, 2005.


  • Holder of Advocate license issued by Perhimpunan Advokat Indonesia Peradi (Indonesian Advocate Association).
  • Receiver and Administrator, No. AHU.AH.04.03-104.


Ma’rufudin S.H.I.

Ma’rufudin completed his education Islamic Law at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University. Before joining Kiagus Ahmad & Associates, he worked at one of the State Bank.  He specializes in banking law and Islamic Law .
  • Bachelor of Islamic Law, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University.


  • Holder of Advocate license issued by Perhimpunan Advokat Indonesia Peradi ( Indonesian Advocate Association ).


Afifah Yuri Nastiti

Afifah completed her law degree at Faculty of Law, Sriwijaya University. Before joining Kiagus Ahmad & Associates, she worked as Legal Staff at Perusahaan Swasta and as Account Management at Decacorn Startup  company in Indonesia. in college she active at organization Asian Law Student’s Association