
KAA assists and represents clients in all legal aspects including litigation, general corporate, financing, cross-border investments, property issues, tax, intellectual property and labor matters.


Our firm actively involves in wide range issues of litigation including assisting clients on bankruptcy, intellectual property disputes, tax disputes, labor disputes, contract disputes, sale and purchase disputes, class-action cases and citizen lawsuit cases. We have represented clients before the police pre-investigations and investigations, the Courts of Justice ( Peradilan Umum ) whether in private law or criminal law, Administrative Courts ( Peradilan Administrasi Negara ), Commercial Courts ( Pengadilan Niaga ), as well as out of court settlement of disputes, such as arbitration, mediations, and other settlement of disputes institution whether in Indonesia or overseas.


  1. Business and Corporate Matters; KAA provides, facilitates, and covers the clients' interests in the business and corporate law areas. We have long experience in these following areas of practice:
    1. Joint Ventures Company and Foreign Investmen; actively involved as Foreign investors' legal advisor in conducting business in Indonesia. Establishing Foreign Investment Companies and Joint Venture Companies in various areas of business, namely manufactures, agro-business and industries, insurances, andtelecommunications.
    2. Infrastructure, Environmental and Natural Resources Development; assist and represent clients in infrastructure, environmental and natural resources development.
    3. Construction Services; the Firm is familiar with transaction in construction services area, including civil, mechanical and electrical construction and installations. The firm provides services in contract drafting, and assisting and representing clients in the settlement of disputes, both outside or at the court.
    4. International Trade and Services; the Firm has expertise in drafting transactional documents, such as distributorships, agencies, and franchises. These particular legal services are fully integrated with other legal aspect, such as taxation, anti-monopoly and unfair trade practice, anti dumping and safeguard.
    5. Taxation; the Firm assists and represents clients in dealing with taxation issues, such as to stimulate taxation planning, and settlement of tax dispute.
    6. Merger, Acquisition and Consolidations.
  2. Intellectual Property; we provide a wide range of services, including local and international patents, trademarks, and registration of copyright applications, settlement of disputes and any other necessary legal actions in order to maintain and exercise clients' right.
  3. Industrial Relationship Law; Years of experience in the industrial relationship law has led our lawyers with capabilities to keep up with the recent development of the laws and regulations, and has flexibilities to assist clients in drafting any legal documents e.g. Collective Labor Agreements, Company Regulations and Labor Contracts, representing clients to negotiate and attend mediations and settlement of disputes, appear before the Industrial Relation Court.
  4. E-Commerce and Information Technology Law; We provide advices and assistant on ecommerce and information technology law matters, including dispute strategies and data privacy issues.